Ellen Mock | Fort Wayne Orthopedics

Ellen Mock

“After I finally had my surgery, I thought, ‘Why did I wait so long?!’” Ellen Mock of Peru, Ind., had been suffering the effects of spinal stenosis – neck pain, accompanied by weakness and numbness in her arms – for years. At the end of the day, wiped out, she would return home from work totally depleted, with no energy to tend to her home or enjoy other activities.

“Everything they told me about the spinal surgery and my recovery was right on target,” Ellen recalls. “I had to take it easy for a couple weeks, but by the third week I came back to work for half days, and then full time by the fourth week.” She now has full, pain-free mobility in her neck and shoulders and is enjoying life again.

"Now I have the energy to do the things I love!"

“The thing that’s been such a joy this summer has been working in my flower beds, sweeping off my deck and enjoying my gardening again. Now I have the energy to do the things I love!”

Ellen is a believer in the doctors and staff at Fort Wayne Orthopedics. After her son’s recent injury in a bicycle-to-auto collision, she made sure he got it checked out at FWO, where Dr. Cooper is taking care of his shoulder injury. “I talk to people all the time about the great experience I had with Dr. Rahn, and I wouldn’t go anywhere else but Fort Wayne Orthopedics,” she says.

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